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Art Therapy

Brief: Identify something big or small that bothers you and create a piece of work around it, you can choose to solve it, document it or simply highlight it.

Idea: To make a illustrated zine that focuses of annoying things that housemates do in a way that is lighthearted and amusing. I want to create something that’s filled with nostalgia that other people can relate to, while also being personal to me. It will be a folded zine which opens out into a poster that can be used for anything you want.

Outcome: An illustrated zine that unfolds into a poster that you can put up on your door as a way to keep nosy housemates out of your space! It’s intended to be amusing and lighthearted, which is emphasised by the bright and fun colour palette, as well as the exaggerated vocabulary, such as “Hands off!” and “You’ve pissed me off”.

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